Generate EFT on Web Client override the file if we generate multiple EFTs on the same day. It should create a file extension
Generate EFT option on GP Web Client is not working properly as compare to GP Desktop client.
If we have multiple EFT files of the same checkbook ID on the same day, it overrides the previous file and replace the information with the new one. It is wrong. It should ...
Email Remittances from web client does not ask for a specific email address like desktop client of GP
Can you please enhance GP web client to ask for an Email Address while sending Purchase Payment Remittances to vendors. Currently it is using email address with which it was setup in Email setup window. That user is mostly an administrator who has nothing to do with Payment module. It should w...
eReconcile for the GP Web Client
Working with electronic reconcile for bank reconciliation - browsing to the files from the bank cannot be read or downloaded.
Please enhance the web client to work with electronic reconcile.
Can the folder icon in the Report Destination window in the fat client be made available in the Web Client
One of our Customers has asked if the icon thats on the right of the File Name on the Report Destination window in the Fat Client be made available in the Web Client.
Dynamics GP: Unable to process Lockbox in Web client (all configurator files change path)
When you attempt to process Lockbox transactions in Web client, the user browses to the import file on a mapped drive and the file location is changed to C:\GPHTMLTMPE\1 and will not process. In fact, all configurator type files (Lockbox, Safepay, EFT, Payroll DD, Electronic reconcile) have a...
Dynamics GP Requisition Entry via a Mobile Phone App
Could Microsoft please create a mobile phone app which allows Dynamics GP Requisition Entry via a mobile phone device using a self-service Dynamics GP user license?
Payment Terms Due Date Based On and Discount Date Based On Enumerators
The enumeration of the DueDateBasedOn and DiscountDateBasedOn contains the typed for “Days”, “Date”, “EOM” and “None”. They are missing the types “Next Months”, “Months”, “Month/Day” or “Annual”. If a payment term has one of those types listed, Web Services throws an error when retrieving them.
E-mail PDF from Web Client
Allow the user to e-mail a pdf version of a document from the web client as per the normal "fat" client.
GP web client - copy and paste
In GP2015, web client was based on Silverlight and had some issues such as only working on specific computers and specific web browsers. In GP2016, they redesigned web client on HTLM 5, which means it can now be used on different browser and on almost any device. In the web client with GP 201...
Ability to print SmartList from Web Client
You can print a SmartList from rich client, but when you try this in web client you get an error message unable to get property 'style' of undefined or null reference. Would like to be able to print in web client. The workaround would be to export your list and then print from Excel instead. T...