Project invoice proposals form is losing the context when it comes to a cancellation
When we try to post a project invoice proposal, and then he cancel the posting from the popup screen, the invoice proposal data change to different invoice. It has been identified that the current system may cause confusion among end users during the invoice posting process. This confusion cou...
Remove invoice owner license/permissions check when another authorized user attempts to manage invoice
If the owner/creator of an invoice leaves the company and their account gets disabled or licenses and security roles removed, no other user can manage those invoices including revising. This requested change would eliminate permissions checks on invoice owner when another authorized user atte...
Published WBS Tracking views to be exported to excel functionality
Users wants the tracking views exporting to excel because the published WBS wants to share this across the different departments so that they we will check what works need to be done on priority, items used, what left over and also check the budget if exceeded or not.
Bill to and Ship to address based on Invoice account can be provide feasibility for Project Invoices
We have a scenario where Bill to address is different than ship to address. As per conversation with MS Support team, they suggested to use Invoice Account functionality. When we are trying to use Invoice account functionality for project invoices, we found out that it is not working for PMA n...
Add Line Property to Create Fee option inside Invoice Proposal
This is for Finance and Operations Dynamics in the Project Management and Accounting module. When creating an invoice proposal there's an option to create a fee. However, you cannot choose the line property of the fee. This can create scenarios where the default line property of the project is...
Project Invoice Proposal - Funding Sources
On our projects, we know the milestones up front as these are generally agreed upon, but who pays for each milestone changes during the life of the project. For example, initially Customer A may pay for the 1st 5 milestones, but then they transfer ownership over to Customer B to complete the p...
Default Loading Adress
The investigation into transportation details and the text engine for setting a ship-from Applicability rule for project invoice proposals confirmed that the address is taken from the transportation details loading address. This was verified with the official Microsoft...
Assign Product-based contract lines to Customer based on Split per cent
In Manage Multiple Customers Contract Sales, it states that "Product-based contract lines are automatically associated to the primary customer". This makes no sense in the context of allowing multiple customers. The idea would be that one entity is quoted and signs off but another (e.g. a pu...
project proposal new feature design requirement
When the customer wants to create project invoice proposal, the system has a function to select different types of invoices at one time, but separately on different invoices.
Please enable the withholding tax calculations for the invoices generated from the project accounting and management
Customers want to see withholding tax calculations with the project accounting invoices in the near releases which will make it easier and more automated for their business, as some customers use the project accounting more than any other module.