About the folder hierarchy function of videos, images, and 3D models
Currently, Dynamics 365 Guides does not allow you to create folder hierarchies in videos, images, and 3D models.
Users will find it more convenient to have a folder hierarchy feature in these components.
Allow Custom Actions
Allow authors to develop custom actions to include in Guides steps. Some examples of the type of actions which should be permitted to extend the use cases for guides: - take a photo or video from within HoloLens 2 to audit a step or capture an object state - calling a REST API with a piece of ...
When the guide is completed in the Guides application, set the completion rate of Work Orders' service task of Field Service to be 100% and the status to be Completed.
Currently, if the status of the work order service task is completed from Field Service, the Guides side will also be completed. Please let the Guides be able to complete the status of the work order service task of Field Service too. [Actual Results] When the status of the Work Orders' servic...
Lock Position of Objects in Author Mode
When authoring guides on the HL, if we have a number of objects in the view, then it is very easy to accidentally nudge objects and move them. It would be great to be able to "Lock" an object from movement until it is unlocked.
Start at the step you left off the last time you used the guide
This can be very handy when you have somewhat larger guides. The operator will return to the exact step where he/she left off the last time.
I want the Dynamics 365 Guides PC app to be able to display and manage guides by department
With the Dynamics 365 Guides PC app, you can only manage guides by environment.
Adding a function that allows you to display and manage guides not only by environment but also by department would lead to improved convenience for users.
An option to get the name of the user who has created a table in the powerapps tables
We would need a column to get the information of the user who has created the table in powerapps table details
Nesting guide inside another guide
We have number of proceudres that involve the same steps. It would be beneficial from maintenance and work load perspective to be able to create guide that then can be embeded inside multiple other guides. This way any future updates would only require to edit in one place.
Change Default view for one user
User will be able to change the default view for logged in user.
About the non-deleteable function of existing 3D tools
Currently, the default 3D tools can also be removed.
It would be even more convenient to have the ability to disable default 3D tools to prevent customers from accidentally deleting them.