Public Profile
  • Reprint Pay Statements for an Audit Trail Code

    Every once in a while a client has not successfully printed paystubs, or has a reason they need to reprint pay statements for an entire pay run. We can print a date range of pay statements for individual employees from the Check Inquiry window. Could we get a way to choose an Audit Trail Code and reprint pay statements for the entire payrun?

  • Inactivate all HR Deductions/Benefits when Inactivate Employee Maintenance

    It gets very confusing when an employee is rehired, and the HR Benefits/Deductions all show in the state they were when the employee terminated. Need a way to inactivate all codes on the employee in HR. It's a lot of work to have to manually inactivate them one by one on termed employees..
  • Inactivate paycodes Based On a paycode you want to inactivate

    When employees change status, like from hourly to salary, we may have a separate set of paycodes we want to assign. There are many keystrokes to inactivate the Hourly paycode, because other paycodes are based on it. Could we have a question asking if we want to inactivate the paycodes based on the paycode that we want to inactivate, rather than having to inactivate all the others first?
  • Assign HR Employee Attendance Time Codes with Employee Class

    This step frequently gets missed for new employees. Could the Attendance Time Codes be assigned with Employee Class defaults? This would save users a lot of keystrokes.

  • Exclude Inactive employees from HR Reconcile processes for Update Employee Enrollments

    It would be nice to be able to either exclude the inactive employees from the Incompletes windows, or be able to sort by or exclude where the Employee is Inactive on the reports and the reconcile process.

  • Employment History Changes - add reason for change, or ability for notes

    We are loving the new Employment History tracking. Would like a prompt for reason for change, or a way for the user to enter notes to the records in the Employment History window.

  • HR Benefits Setup & Cards menus - alphabetize and clarify 4 types of Benefit/Ded Codes

    On the HR setup and cards menu palettes, can we group or alphabetize the 4 types of HR Benefits/Deductions, so users don't have to hunt? Health Life Miscellaneous Retirement

  • Employee Self Service

    The view for employees needs to be simplified and "dumbed down". Only show employees what their GP User Security gives access to.

  • Inquiry Window - Sort Order / Find

    In Payables Transaction Inquiry by Vendor, I would like to sort by columns by clicking on the column heading. I want to be able to sort by dollar amounts or search for specific dollar amounts. This would apply for any Inquiry window across other modules as well.
  • Subject to Workers' Comp checkbox at Paycode Setup level

    It would be helpful to have a checkbox at the Paycode Setup level for "Subject to Workers' Comp". If this is not marked, then disable the field to fill in the Workers' Comp code at the Employee Paycode Maintenance. Many times there are paycodes, (like for Expense Reimbursements, and there could be a long list of Expense Reimbursement codes) that should not be subject to Workers' Comp, but this gets filled in when paycodes are assigned because the WC Code is filled in on the Employee Maintenance. Then users have to remove the WC code from paycodes that shouldn't be subject, or possibly update in Payroll Transaction History.