Public Profile
  • Partial cycle count with functionality of Days between cycle count

    With Spring Release 2017 was a new functionality of partial cycle count introduced.

    As there is no timestamp logging on location when performing a partial cycle count, the functionality of Days between cycle count isn't working.

    The functionality should be extended to the loggings of Counting history where a timestamp per item and location is available. With this functionality the user is able to define cycle count plans or thresholds by using the Days between cycle count for item and location.    

  • optimizing reservation time fence considering lead time

    There is no way of reserverving items considering the lead-time of items without having lots of coverage groups with different positive days representing the lead time.

    The introduction of "dynamic positive days" will improve the damand planning Process as well as material availability.

    For production orders the reservation strategy "Explosion" should also be available, so the reservation behaves the same as with sales orders.


    Benefit of Explosion Reservation:
    The Explosion reservation only reserves on-hand inventory within the dynamic positive days' time frame. If the dynamic positive days interval is bigger than the period between requirement date and master scheduling execution date, Dynamics AX reserves on-hand inventory, as there is no possibility to replenish stock. As long as items can be replenished (dynamic positive days' time frame) there should be no reservation by master scheduling.

    Benefit of master scheduling calculations:
    The dynamic positive time interval considers the lead times (purchase, production, transfer) of items, therefore Master scheduling generates only new planned order if a planned receipt is outside the dynamic positive time interval to fulfill the requirement. If the master scheduling execution date is within the dynamic positive days' time frame no new planned order is generated as long there is available on-hand inventory. Furthermore, the setup of Coverage groups is simplified and the number of Coverage groups could be minimized.

    The setting of parameters “use dynamic negative days” and “use dynamic positive days” should be located in Coverage groups. The use of the functionalities would be more flexible, as there is the possibility to control the items differently.

    The formula for calculating dynamic positive days:
    Dynamic Positive days = Lead time + Positive days

    Conclusion: The functionality (logic of calculation) of Positive days stays the same with the enhancement that the positive days are dynamically calculated considering the lead times (purchase, production, transfer).

  • enhance functionality of work cluster creation

    The creation of work cluster should be more sophisticated, so ist possible to arrange different work to a work cluster depending on a set of criteria (anvanced query) or by manually selecting work lines.

    It should also be possible to put the work cluster creation in a batchjob by selecting the query. 

  • Inbound consignment inventory - support of all inventory models

    The functionality of inbound consignment inventory should also work with other inventory models than standard costs or moving average.

  • BOM of serial numbers / batches

    There should be a way to register serial numbers (as well as batches) in a kind of a BOM structure to fulfill tracking requirements by item. With standard D365fO, it’s only possible with PO of quantity 1, which is a no go for customers.

    The functionality should work without the need of registering serials on every logistics step (tracking dimension serial number is set to “active in sales process”).

    There should be a separate table where child/parent relations of serial numbers and batches can be entered and manually edited at any time. Ideally there is a functionality of scanning GS1 barcodes which recognizes the item and records the serial number and/or batch information. Often there are external systems which deliver the information of serial numbers and batches, so an interface to external systems should exist.

    Item tracing should also include the information of child/parent relations.

    Kind Regards,

  • Location on BOM item (master data)

    In standard D365fO its only possible to set the location of a BOM item on production BOM (ProdBOM). It should be possible to set the location on master data BOM.

    This way it’s possible to prevent creating WHS work (or being waved) for mixed mode scenarios where items are either WHS controlled or WMSI depending on BOM not on the item. Flushing principles have the information of the location and can be automatically posted (e.g. flushing principle = Finish) without editing location Information.

    If location is set on BOM (site and warehouse are specified) the location is being copied into ProdBOM, otherwise it should work like actual behavior of D365fO.

    Kind Regards,

  • Reservation of picked items until they are manually packed

    There should be a way to keep picked items reserved on location until they are manually packed and the container is being closed. Otherwise the items are physical available in D365fO which is not true, because they have a direct relation to a sales order.

    Today: The items are picked to location PACK and lose reservation on location.

  • Manual replenishemnt from mobile device

    An article on a location needs to be manually filled up and AX should create the work for the movement from a pick location, which has stock. The user scans the item and the work is created by the system (defined by work template and location directives).

    I tried movement by template but I don't get any proposal for a pick-location with stock. So that’s my problem. The user knows where to put the item, but doesn't get any help from the screen where to pick the item from. As far as I know works the Movement by template the other way round (the user knows where to pick but needs a proposal for the put-location).

    Idea: mobile device menu item with work creation process "replenishment"

    The user selects the menu item and scans an item. AX creates the repelnishment work as defined in work template and location directive. The user is directed to the picking location by the mobile device.

  • coverage functionality "make-to-order"

    There should be a coverage group functionality “make-to-order”. Master planning and Explosion should always show either a planned production order or a planned purchase order even if there is stock physical available.

    Maybe this could be solved by positive days with negative number of days or by a simple flag "Disregard on hand".

  • support GS1 application identifier on scans


    By scanning a GS1 barcode it's possible to capture several information in one single scan. The information is devided by application identifiers, so the information can easily be allocated.The idea is to scan the Barcode or QR-code in one single scan and all fields are filled up with the corresponding information.

    Important AI are:
    - (01) Global Trade Item Number
    - (240) Additional product identification assigned by the manufacturer
    - (10) Batch or lot number
    - (17) Expiration date
    - (21) Serial number
    - (30) Variable count of items

    GS1 Application Identifiers:

    There should be the possibility to define, which AI should be processed in the warehousing app. For example the information of quantity shouldn't be used even if the information is provided on the code. Use case: Just scan one logistics unit to get Item number but the quantity is from purchase order.

    By the way, there also should be a way to generate GS1 codes to print labels.
