Public Profile
  • Language support for warehousing app

    There should be a possibility to define a language by worker to use the warehousing app. Right now there is a mix of languages when using the app on a "non english device" (and it's not obvious where the settings come from). For example the tabs "Aufgaben", "Details" are in language "de" but  "scan a license plate" is in english. It should be a consistent use of the language.

    Ideally there is a setting on the worker (or more detailed on the users) which language to use. Or there even might be a setting on the warehousing app to choose the desired language by the app user.

  • Prevent license plate with the same name as a location

    Today it's possible to pick items from a location without license plate. With this step, you have to define or scan a license plate on which you post the picked items. It can happen very quickly, that instead of scanning the license plate the location is scanned again. The license plate is created in database.

    After this you’re not able anymore to pick from the location because the system thinks, that I’m trying to pick from license plate instead of the location. 

    So, there should be a mechanism to prevent the creation of a license plate with the same name as a location. Ideally this could be a parameter on location profile to control it by location.

  • requirement date on WHS work

    It's often not so easy to find the important work depending on requirement date.

    On work header, there should be a requirement date so the user can sort the work depending on requirement date (field must be sortable). If a work consists of several picking activities with different requirement dates, work header should show the earliest requirement date. The activities itself should also have a field with the requirement date.

  • overriding put-away license plate automatically changes put-away location

    When a user changes put-away location (license plate controlled) and wants to consolidate stock on the existing license plate, the user has first to change the location and afterwards the put-away license plate. so there are two steps necessary, although the location is given by the existing license plate.

    There would be an improvement of the process, when with overriding the put-away license plate the location of the license plate is being populated.

    A parameter could be helpful to keep existing functionality or changing the location depending on overriding put-away license plate.

  • coverage calculation by inventory status > net requirement with empty inventory status

    If the setup requires coverage calculation by dimension inventory status, there appear data sets on net requirement with empty inventory status. This is very difficult to understand by the customer and also difficult to explain. There should be a solution to prevent empty inventory status in coverage calculation regarding BOM-lines.

    I see different kind of possible improvements:

    1. Definition of a inventory status on BOM-line (master data)

    2. if no definition of inventory status of BOM-line: inheritance of inventory status depending of requirement (to producing item) (this might be not so easy, because of multi-level BOMs)

    3. Parameter "default inventory status for coverage calculation"