Increase size of NumberFormat field on Excel Buffer table to allow commonly used number formats
The NumberFormat field on the Excel Buffer table is used to define the formatting string that will used for any given cell in Excel. The field is currently 30 characters long. The longest "standard" custom format in excel is 49 characters long and is _-$* #,##0.00_-;-$* #,##0.00_-;_-$* "-"??_-;_-...
Allow fieldgroup(Brick... to be extended on a page
The Brick type fieldgroup is used to display data as a Brick and is a table property and cannot be extended. If we want to use an existing table but want to use different fields in the Brick, there is no way for us to do this. Also sometimes the fields we want to show may be different depending o...
Webhook Listener
# WebhookListener ## Purpose To allow a Webhook Listener to be created in Business Central so that the URI can be provide to a Source application that will call the Webhook when a particular event occurs. ## Use Case We are creating an interface with a third-party Web application that allows ...
Support Complex Types in APIs (including custom APIs)
Allow an page with PageType = API to be embedded as a page part on another page of type API. This will solve the problem of allowing complex types in an API but will also make the sub-entity accessible as its own API. We don't want a new PageType of APIPart, just make it so any API type page can...