Improve limitation for rollup fields
Currently, according to the public information below, there's a limitation for users to create rollup fields.
Title: Rollup column considerations
Always syncing email values from Microsoft 365 Admin Center or Azure Portal to Power Platform
Currently, the changed values are not synced to Power Platform organizations when changing email on Microsoft 365 Admin Center or Azure Portal except first time.
In terms of managing emails in bulk, always syncing would be desirable.
It would be much better if we could sync the ema...
Settings regarding displaying Teams user presence
After 2022 Release Wave 2, Teams user presence is unintentionally displayed.
Currently, there is no settings to turn off this function.
Not all users are using Teams license, so this presence is sometimes disturbing and confusing users.
Users frequently see this user presence...
Hide user icons at the top of user records
On current behavior regarding user record, all records have user icon at the top of record name.
There is no way to hide these icons so far.
This user icon display may cause unnecessary loading or delay.
Sometimes it is difficult to see the UI, so it would be great for some u...
Error when uploading Japanese file name with Post on Timeline
Currently, when uploading attachment file with Post on Timeline, it causes an error if the file name has Japanese name.
The error does not occur if the file name is consisted of English name and numbers, but this restriction sometimes makes users difficult to instantly see file names.
The settings to designate specific price list beforehand when creating quote records with Dual-Write configuration
On Project Operations, when the org is configured with Dual-Write, sometimes unintentional price list is set to the field (PriceLevelId) on creating quote records.
This behavior stems from that the PriceLevelId field is automatically set by default onload JS depending on SQL GUID sort sc...
Lock the total amount of quote records after getting read-only
Currently, total amount field value would change even though after activating quote records and make them read-only.
The total amount field after getting read-only would change when importing or changing the values from sub-grid.
It would be more convenient if we could lock the fie...
Public information for timeout error when querying view records
Currently, when it takes some time to query records on like both quick find and filtering, SQL timeout error occurs if there are so many records.
This is by design, but there is no explicit description on public information regarding this behavior.
This information could be useful ...
Register same JavaScript to multiple table forms in bulk
Currently, users need to do register JavaScript to each form one by one.
Thus, it takes some time to manually register JavaScript when a lot of JavaScript needs to be registered.
Users sometimes register same JavaScript to multiple table forms with same conditions and trigger.
Feature to fix the display of grids regarding records
Currently, the display of records on grids changes depending on both the screen size and zoom %.
It's good for many users, but some users would like to fix the display, such as how many rows are displayed and not having record initial icon.
There is no feature so far regarding fixi...