Enable Training mode in CPOS and MPOS
This functionality was available in older versions of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Retail (more precisely on AX2009 and AX2012 EPOS). On the Retail Industry, there are companies with high rotation, or with the need to train really quick new cashier due to a high sales season. Training m...
Enable Keyboard mapping for MPOS and CPOS
On previous versions of EPOS, keyboard mapping was available to setup keys to trigger functionality. In Brick and Mortar Stores, speed on processing the customer checkout is of high importance, and the keyboard functionality gives the cashier the option to cash out a customer faster, thus increa...
Missing Data Entity for table CustVendTransportCalendarSetup
Publish Data Entity for table CustVendTransportCalendarSetup The table is needed as working with DOM, we need to set up and test scenarios on a TEST environment, so then they can be Migrated to Production Environment. If a configuration is made on a Golden Environment, there would not be a wa...
Print button for Gift Card Receipts - promoted on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/business-applications-release-notes/October18/dynamics365-retail/pos-journal-improvements#gift-card-balance-inquiry-receipt
On the release notes for commerce for 2018 it mentions the existance of a button to print the gift card receipt. this button does not exists and with the settings the way to print it is by hitting the top X on the popup window in MPOS and CPOS that is dangerously close to the X-closing button fo...
Disable email hyperlinks in CPOS device.
when working with a CPOS devices and going through the Customer information window, the emails for the customer show up as Hyperlinks that trigger a hyperlink jump to a mailto operation. The issue to avoid is that a store user, working on a handheld device would highly likely tap on the emai...