Add currency code to XML feed in Word layout
I cannot see that the currency code is in the XML data when editing an Invoice layout in Word. If customers are in varying currencies I do not want to have a specific invoice for each customer with a hard-coded currency symbol. It would make more sense to just add a currency XML code into the tem...
Add more functionality on the NAVArea functions
The personalization and design options do not give access to the top line menu which is the navigation area. I have an extension to add additional menu items but it appears there is no way to remove or change the existing menu items in the navigation section which includes the Actions section. G...
Make RapidStart config package for Essentials license
The "GB.ENG.EXTENDED" RapidStart Configuration package included with V16 GB localisation is not compatible with the BC Essentials customer license permissions. It is not possible to export this nor create your own as the license does not allow access to premium tables and when attempting a custom...
Easier Edit in Excel setup for On prem
The very involved and convoluted steps to get Edit in Excel working with on prem V16 BC should be addressed to provide a much simpler method. The documentation provided is not sufficiently clear and does not cover all the steps required to get this very useful feature to work. Some kind of automa...