Ledger settlements: redoing period close should not undo all previous ledger settlements
We are using ledger settlements regularly and, sometimes, transactions created throughout the year are settled with opening balances (i.e. some transaction from previous year). This is possible using the standard functionality.
However, we often have audits for the previous year around t...
Credit note for vendor prepayment
We have a business scenario where we receive credit notes from vendors for prepayments which we will never pay, or which were paid partially. At the time we receive the credit note, the prepayment invoice is already posted through the PO. However, if the credit note is posted and settled with ...
Add vendor name on invoice journal inquiry
Accounts payable - Inquiries and reports - Invoice - Invoice journal
This is a very important form that is used a lot, it would be very useful to have the vendor name in this view and not just the account number.
Ledger settlements - penny difference
With the introduction of "Post foreign currency realized gains/losses for ledger settlements", we've been having issues with reporting currency amounts. Transactions are settled and exchange rate gains/losses are calculated, but every now and then there is...