Unit Conversions - Add Variant/versions to the Product Definitions
This form is missing versions/variants. with the use of ECM we have dimensions on our products, one of which is Size - this will result in different conversion requirements at the variant level.
ECM - New Engineering Product Pane Navigation
Would like to see some navigation attention brought to the 'New Engineering Product' panel. When populating the Mandatory/Optional Engineering Attributes the list of attributes refreshes each time. you can 'tab' through the fields using the tab key as it jumps all over the form, with EPCs th...
Engineering Change Order - Allow Manual Creation of Version ID
My suggestion is to have the Version ID box be editable during the ECO process so that we can define any version ID we need - as long as it doesn't already exist for that product. Likely the approach should include this as a configurable option in the SetUp, to allow for this field to be open...