GL Journal with taxes is not considering taxes for the offset account.
When a GL account is used as offset account in a GL journal and taxes are applied to the journal the taxes are related to the main account. In tax reports only main account is reported to have taxes. Taxes should be related and included in tax report when the account is used both as main account ...
Mexico Localization - It is required to have some control over the date and time of the invoice date for free text invoices
Customer has no control over invoice date (date and time) when posting free text invoices. It would be good to have a way to modify invoice date in order to control the stamping process for Mexican localization due to fiscal restrictions.
It is required to set a parameter to disable main account in Purchase requisitions
It would be great to have a parameter allowing only authorized users to be able to edit and modify main account field in purchase requisition form.
It should be possible to import different bank statements with the same cut off date
When customer is using Advanced Bank reconciliation it is not possible to cancel an already reconciled reconciliation. Because of this, customer may need to have two statements with the same cutoff date (Mostly because of an error) to reconcile bank transactions. At this point this is not possibl...
Mexico - Rejected CFDI Invoices are being printed when selected along with approved invoices
When CFDI invoices are rejected the print preview button is disabled in the CFDI inquiry but if the rejected invoice is selected with an approved invoice then the preview button is enabled and rejected invoice is printed. This behavior should be disabled, only approved invoices should be printed ...
The process of re-approval of the purchase orders should be available also in purchase requisitions
For approved purchase orders there is the functionality that allows to reapprove the purchase order if any of the configured fields is updated. This functionality is needed to be active for purchase requisitions.
Mexico - Carta Porte 2.0 "UnidadPeso" attribute in XML is fixed and should be selectable in Transportation details form.
At this moment attribute "UnidadPeso" for XML Carta Porte 2.0 is showing a fixed value "XAG". This is a correct value and XML gets stamped correctly but it should be better to have the following new items: 1. A new form where all the possible values for this attribute can be registered accordin...
Mexico - ‘Key vault client caching’ feature is not working as expected when two certificates are being used
‘Key vault client caching’ feature is supposed to help optimizing the certificate stamping process but when using Mexican Localization and two different certificates to stamp a document (depending on the PAC selected by customer) this feature is causing errors during the stamping process. This fe...
MEXICO - CFDI 4.0 Transportation details Driver details should be inherited
When using CFDI 4.0 Transportation details screen, Driver details should be inherited from worker to avoid capturing every time data for "Registration number", "RFC Number", "Driver license" and "Country/Region". These data should be inherited from Driver master data.
Remaining budget field allows an invalid value when the field is typed
While creating the budget the forecast models are usually pre-filled with Original and Remaining. Given this, inspite of drop down showing Remaining , if someone forcefully types Original there is no check to stop it. if the user types an incorrect value project budget will be mixed and provid...