Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 for ADX Studio
Specifically for government agencies we consistently get the request for clear communication form Microsoft about ADX Studio compliance with WCAG. Can this please be addressed.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 for Dynamics CRM
Specifically for government agencies we consistently get the request for clear communication form Microsoft about Dynamics CRM compliance with WCAG. Can this please be addressed.
Hashtags ### - Autocompetion and reusable strings
As MSE moves into an engagement tool, there is a need for it to allow posters to auto insert hashtags that are used frequently by the brand. There should be a couple of options around this.
1. Hashtags that are always applied
2. Hashtags that you can select from, that are used frequ...
Autocomplete of "Followers" and "Following" usernames
As part of engagement using MSE there is a need that when you want to respond to someone following you or someone you are following that as you start typing there username it should autocomplete, as twitter for example know who follows you and who you are following.
Here is an examp...
First Run Experence will not complete
I followed the step specified but the following has not started:
Dynamics 365 packages
Customer Insights
Azure CDS
Why’s is CDS not in Azure as a Database option? https://www.prosoft-sys.com/post/azure-cds