Ability to roll up multiple Work Orders into one Invoice
All of our customers have asked for the ability to roll up multiple Work Orders into one Invoice for their clients. A lot of their clients have many Work Orders throughout a single month, and they would prefer to have one Invoice for all of them as opposed to one Invoice per Work Order. Ideall...
Add a new Work Order System Status for non-billable or Agreement Work Orders to close them out without generating an Invoice
Add a new work order system status of 'Closed-Non-Billable' so that Work Orders that do go ahead but do NOT need to have an invoice generated can be closed out. At the moment the only option is to create a sub-status that links to the 'Closed - Canceled' system status which is misleading if th...
Ability to change default sorting of streams in Interactive Dashboards
Currently the streams in the Interactive Dashboards are sorted by default using the 'Modified On' field. Administrators should be able to choose what field the sorting is defaulted to. For example lots of clients ask for the default sorting to be on the Created On field, but they have to manual...