Project Customer advance invoice
Customer advance invoice function from projects should work the same way as Vendor invoice prepayments work on AP. so a prepayment posting profile can be used to separate ledger entries, also and in addition allow for a different posting layer (similar to tax and fixed assets). Some countries do ...
Default Vendor on Hold status
Set the vendor Status on hold, when a new vendor is created. at the moment a new vendor is created and users can create documents. the status change workflow only becomes applicable when the vendor exist and the status is change, this is to late when a new vendor is created.
Financial Dimension Configuration for Integrating applications per Legal entity/company
Split default dimensions and default ledger dimensions for integrating per company. With the use of excel add-ins large companies with multiple legal entities can not use the function because they need to keep switching the setup depending on which legal entities financial dimensions should be im...
Summary Trial Balance via Electronic reporting no detail with open and closing balance that can be batch exported
Currently a Trial balance with transaction details is provided in electronic reporting, we would like a similar report but with no detail, just the account, opening balance, debit, credit, and closing balance, exactly as on the Trial balance page. this report can then be batched and automated to ...
Fiscal Period Control From Group / global Calendar
each legal entity can have its own fiscal calendar and controls the periods based on that calendar, but as an enterprise system for large companies, some companies report at a group level using a different fiscal period. depending on there the head office is situated and financials reported. for ...
Electronic Reporting online workshops by MS
Host separate MS workshops on How to Create: - invoices - excel invoice templates - other Documents and reports. update/modify: - payment file - other reports
Financial reporting format with Destinations setup
an addiotnal setup to choose the report format and destination for batched reports. (file, email, Print, Screen)
Electronic reporting
1. Print customer logo per Customer (there might be Different logo per business unit.. print legal entity logo if blank. 2. Print a Different Company Bank account for each customer (customer can be asked to pay into different account for different reasons, the reason my not be currency related bu...
Project - Post Production Cost estimate for Hours, Material Costs and expenses
Integration of Production costing with Projects for 'live" Budget vs actuals from a project including production WIP.
Post a detailed production cost estimate as part of the project process as an accrual per week or per month or per production transactions (Detailed) for production WIP t...
Production Estimate detail (bom) added as Project Budget and forecast lines for detailed actuals vs budget
Allow for the a production Bom (item required on project) detailed cost lines to be included in the Project Budget and Forecast, for a more integrated Project with Production reporting solution.