Department level filtration
In the current set up under manager self service a manager has full global visibility of their own heirachy. This stretches across departments and legal entities. However as SoftwareONE are 6-12 months away from self service Global HR and Global HR Business Partners require this same view, how...
Office Addresses
The employee record has the ability to 'assign' a manually inputted address to the box marked 'Office Address' and this has a simply free text box above it. Why is the free text area not a drop down that attached to a pre-populated list of office addresses. My company has 120 separate addresses...
Make mandatory fields Mandatory!
Currently when a hire is request the system will automatically reject a submission without a 'Reason Code' as this is a mandatory field. However, if that is the case, you should not be able to submit without it! If you do there are no notifications to either the submitter or the authorisor. Th...
Analytics Data - Better Filtering and Response
Within Analytics there are several issues that makes the data unreliable: 1. Analytics calculates all staff whether active or inactive (filtered using 'blank') 2. Although you can filter on Legal Entities or Departments, you can never be sure if what you are seeing 3. Global / Local data is ...
Default Action Time (Timezone) Change
Is it possible to change the default 'TIME' when a new action is submitted? Currently new actions default to 'local time zone' 00:00:00 however, as the time zone serve no purpose and only cause negative issues in the system I would like to compensate for this by change the default start time to...