Expand Default Storage Subscription and Volume for TSP Tenants
I tried enabling Consent Center as part of Customer Insights. Since I'm a Microsoft employee and my demo tenant is using the lowest Dataverse subscription, it fails because there's not enough database storage available. My suggestion is to have the CDX team setup environments with additional...
Control of On Hold Music
While a customer is on hold, it would be ideal to offer admin capabilities to control the music and/or messaging that is played. Few ideas related to this...
1) Customers want the ability to control the music in general
2) Customers want the ability to insert marketing ...
First Party Voice - Transfer to Agent
Currently when you hit transfer, there is no way to transfer directly to an agent or ability to see the status of the agent presence. Several customers have mentioned that they want the ability to transfer to agents on the system with the ability to see their current status. Currently the on...
Manager Call Review and Rating Workflow
Currently, there is no automated or systematic way for managers to review CSR phone calls for training and quality purposes. Let's add ways to automatically assign a certain number of calls per day, month or week to a CSR Manager, have a UI for them to review the calls.