Bundles - too limited functionality
D365FO supports bundles (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/finance/accounts-receivable/rev-rec-bundles). But the func...
Alt-Enter does not work in WorkerLookUp and DirPartyLookUp dialog
There are any many fields and places, where you have to choose a worker or a global address book record.
In the dialog you can use the arrow keys to walk through the list.
The "Select" button shows the keyboard shortcut "Alt+Enter".
But the dialog does not react on the short ...
Short Cut for jumping to the toolbar in froms like sales order
In forms likes sales order, purchase order, ... there are menu items directly above the line grid (toolbar).
If you want to access these by using keyboard, you have to Ctrl-F6 to go to the action pane and to use tab to walk through all action pane menu items until you are arriving at th...
Fast data entry in grids (e.g. sales order lines) with return instead of tab
In grids (e.g. sales order lines) the tab key must be used to jump to the next field.
In earlier versions (ax2012, ax2009) it was easy to develop something to also use the enter key for jumping to the next field. This development seams to be impossible in D365.
Since Ret...
Predefined “Own” Shortcuts
Alt-M plus one Character is currently used for shortcuts. It would be helpful if F&O supports per example Alt-M1, Alt-M2,…, Alt-M5 as project specific shortcuts,
These should call server site controls like usershortcut1(), …, usershortcut5(). These function will only include an extension...