There are any many fields and places, where you have to choose a worker or a global address book record.
In the dialog you can use the arrow keys to walk through the list.
The "Select" button shows the keyboard shortcut "Alt+Enter".
But the dialog does not react on the short cut "Alt-Enter"
Microsoft Support was able to reproduce the issue, triaged it with "we're unable to fix the issue now due to the magnitude of the fix, other priorities, or both", and recommended publishing it as idea.
The workaround is to use the mouse. If users have to do similar tasks all the day like setting a responsible person in forms. it would be extremely helpful to do this with shortcuts.
No it is not fixed in 10.0.32. If you read it it says they are not making any changesI 100% agree that this should be fixed. This is the only part of invoice entry that requires my staff to take their hands off the keyboard. It is very inconvenient and is not consistent with the behavior throughout the rest of the system.
Category: User Experience
see also Details for issue 767959 ( might be fixed in 10.0.32
Category: User Experience