Remove pre-filter on reesource lookup
When changing a ressource by typing a new ressource name in the journal lines for hours, the lookup for the ressource prefilter to the old ressource ID.
Before selecting a new ressource, the filter for the ressource ID has to be removed.
It would make sense, if the looku...
User data are not automatically populated in the LCS Support Request form
When entering a new issue in LCS user data are not automatically populated in the LCS Support Request form, despite the data (e-mail, Phone#, country, time-zone etc.) should be available in the user property.
This data should be used to auto-fill the request form.
Enhance Preview of PDF file as attachment via the paper-clip
When adding a pdf file as attachment via the paper-clip, the preview is very weak.
PDF is not readable, enhance the preview to a full-screen and with better zoom options.
Mandatory labels for price fields
On Released products, when adding Purchase price, Sell Price and Cost Price to the overview grid view, all have the same label Price.
This is a bit confusing for users.
The label should be mandatory, e.g. Purchase price, S...