Add a Global and Editable Filter for Segment Creation Fields
When creating a segment, the right side of the screen displays various Elements, such as tabs for Attributes, Behavioral, and others. In the Attributes tab, users can view all available fields related to the Target audience (e.g., Contact fields).
However, our customer has rai...
Enhancing Event Check-In Efficiency with Event Registration QR Codes in Calendar Content
Currently, it is possible to send an Event Registration Confirmation Email with an "Add To Calendar" button.
Unfortunately, the calendar content is only text-based, and there seems to be no way to display a personalized token {{xxx}} or any other dynamic field.
We are ...
Improve OOTB Barcode Reader to Support QR Code Scanning in Dark Mode
The built-in Barcode Reader in Custom Canvas Apps cannot scan QR codes from emails on smartphones when dark mode is enabled. The reason is that dark mode changes the background color, reducing contrast and making the QR code hard to read.
Right now, there is no way to add a white backgro...