No data entity for number sequence group reference table
There are data entities in D265FO for number sequence and number sequence reference, BUT only a data entity for number sequence group and NOT for number sequence group reference. So we cannot import automatically the number sequence groups with the reference, and it is a pain to have to enter ...
Automaticaly update the total forecast when budget is revised
The estimates in the D365FO project process are only based from total forecast model (or one of the forecasts models), and not from a budget. As many companies in private sector use the budget to track the different revisions (not allowed in the forecast), it means that you must update manually...
Estimates from a Project Budget
The current situation is that it is not possible to manage the estimates directly from a Budget, but only from Forecasts. As the business reality is to use Budgets from a Project (Approvals, trace ability,....), and not Forecasts, it is logical to give the possibility to manage the estimates di...
Cost comittment on project Timesheet is posted too late
The global rules for cost commitment management in D365 Finance is that this cost is raised for a significative time before the real cost (ex: when purchase order posted, when hours costs entered in journal, when expense entered in expense report,.....). So normally, the committed cost is usefull...
Automatically batch update of "approved" status quotations to "sent" status
From a business perspective, the step of sending quotations is optional, because it is not really an important step that need to be followed in the system. It must be possible to automatize the update of this step to the next level "Sent" by batch mode for all the quotations from the "Approved" S...
Add total amounts on the invoice proposal to allocate bank accounts
Currently we have no idea in the vendor payment proposal what is the total amount for the generated proposal. Mostly often, the payment proposal is allocated to a bank account according to the amount of the payment proposal. In the current proposal, we cannot evaluate this total amount, so we ar...
Vendor financial dimension inheritance in a vendor invoice journal
The standard D365 allows only vendor financial dimension inheritance for 1 offset expense line (when you enter your invoice on a single line). If you create an invoice with more than 1 expense line in the same voucher (that is common), you need to populate manually the vendor financial dimension...
Cost posted before the budget are never include and never visible on the Project Budget balances
A business situation is very classical on Projets : People will registered costs before the project budget has been approved (because there is a mandatory period of time for budget approval). So when you entered costs during this period where the budget is not approved, these costs will never be...
Leave and absence actuals updated automatically from Timesheet transactions
Actually there is no link between the absence timesheet categories posted and the leave and absence current balance. It means that the time-off request is the only actual that is calculated in this balance and the real absence posted in Timesheet has no impact to the employee balance!
Activate Feature by company
Some features are very impactant for the group organization. For example, the "Awareness between ledger settlement and year-end close" feature has a very big impact in terms of organization, because it will force ALL companies for a group to be at the same level of closing, means ALL the compa...