GP should update currency index for GL quick journals instead of leaving it at 0
Since at least GP 2015, GL quick journals currently does not set the currency index on transactions, only the currency ID. Instead of setting the value for currency index, it leaves it at 0 causing the value to be incorrect in the GL20000\ GL30000 tables. This can cause various issues with these...
GP 2016\ GP 2018 changing standard cost on an item with a periodic valuation method that is saved to a drop ship SOP invoice and posting from a batch causes incorrect distributions
If you change the standard cost for a an item with a periodic valuation method that is used on a saved SOP dropship invoice and post the transaction in a batch, the warning below does not occur. “The Unit cost on drop-ship items must match the invoice’s current standard cost. Choos...
Dynamics GP: POP Requisition Tax field changes
Currently the tax field in POP Requisitions does not allow entering a tax detail. When transferring a requisition to a PO the amount entered is ignored and instead the PO will calculate taxes based off tax setup. The field should either be removed (Since it does not transfer to PO) or should b...
GP 2018- "Maintenance>Export Data" tool for accounts fails if there is an account segment configured with a description that contains a '
When using the data export tool (Maintenance>Export Data) for accounts, if any account segment (Tools>Setup>Financials>Segment) has a single quote " ' " in the description, the process will fail with an error "Microsoft SQL Server Native client 11.0 SQL Server Incorrect syntax near 's' Microsof...
Email Sales Documents in Functional Currency from SOP Navigation List
Print Sales Documents in Functional Currency from SOP Navigation List was added however you are still unable to email SOP Documents in Originating currency from SOP Navigation Lists. Being able to email as well as print in originating currency from the SOP Navigation Lists would make things much ...
GP: Purchase Order Approval Changing Approval User ID
In GP using Purchase Order Approvals, in certain situations the Approval user can "switch". 1) Have user A enter a PO for 10 units of an item. 2) Have user B appropriate user approve the PO. 3) Have user A receive and invoice 5 units from the PO. 4) Next Have user A reduce the amount of units on...
Add an option to auto complete workflow when cancelling a PO in the edit PO window
When Cancelling a PO in the edit PO window, the WF status does not change. This can cause cancelled PO's to still show up for approval. Adding an option to auto-complete workflow for PO's that are canceled could help prevent buildup of canceled PO's in various WF statuses.
Sales Bulk Confirmation "Create Combined Invoice" does not honor due date
When using the sales bulk confirmation process to create SOP invoices, if you use the "Create Combined Invoice" option and multiple fulfillment orders are combined into one invoice, the due date of the invoice is not correct. It should calculate the due date based off the payment terms assigne...
Creating in transit transfer with a via site and serial\lot tracked items causes the in-transit PO receipt to use an averaged unit cost instead of the cost on the original serial\lot record
When you do an in-transit transfer with a via site for serial\lot tracked items that have different unit costs on one line the PO receipt for the in transit will use an averaged cost instead of the actual cost on the individual lot\serial records unless you do one line per lot\seral number. Al...