Filter option is disable in dashboard
+ Filter option is disable in dashboard. + Column level filtering is not supported on dashboard sub grids.
Monitor logins and view usage in portals
Need Monitor the logins and view count in portal on daily basics
Test send Functionality
Test sent functionality should able to count the interactions and open emails in insights.
In Target environment images is missing after copy operation
After copy operation images should be available in target environment
Images is missing after copy operation
In Target environment images is missing after copy operation
Need to increase the character limit in custom Java script
Need to increase the character limit in custom Java script
Redirect url in Azure active directory
Redirect url can be added automatically in Azure active directory when custom domain is added
Unable to open Advance settings in Chromebook
Need to create an report in power BI using specific segment and conatct
Our client Need to create an report in power BI using specific segment and contact. and specific contact which segment are associated.
Code register field for Custom template in Marketing
Client needs the color code register for Custom template in Marketing instead of setting manually.