Swarm Notifications
Enable notifications for a team member to join the swarm to be sent via multiple channels such as email notification, in D365 Notifications, and external application notifications (e.g. Slack), not just via Teams
Multiple Swarm Assignments
Enable the configuration for multiple Swarm Participants (all in Account Region/Geo) per Skill to be assigned via a Swarm request. Currently, the assignment process is limited to 1 engineer per skill, which can result in a swarm of 1, which is not functionally benef...
Swarm Reporting
Enable Swarm Reporting to capture Swarm participation metrics such as:
•Swarm Creation Rate (as compared to overall Case volume)
•Participation in Swarm Chat (as percentage of particip...
Swarm Chat Naming
Enable configuration of Swarm Chat name to include Case ID, in addition to Swarm and Case Title
Persist Swarm Chat
Enable persistence of Swarm Chats beyond the current 6-month threshold for Teams to preserve chat history