Percentage Complete Billing
It would be great if a project manager could raise a project billing line by entering a project percentage complete. The system would then a) multiply this Percentage by the Contract Line value, then b) subtract the previously invoice amount, this would result in the amount that is to be billed. ...
Enable selection of Financial Dimensions in Proj Ops from FinOps
When creating Projects/Project Contract Lines, Quotes etc. It would be very beneficial to be able to select the Financial Dimensions that you want to apply. Without this a user needs to complete the project setup in both ProjOps and FinOps. Thank you
Raise Quote with WBS Details
It should be possible to create a quote using a detailed WBS estimate instead of creating a Project, then doing a detailed WBS estimate and copying that to the Quote.
Effective Labor Rate
It should be possible to use the effective labor rate functionality that exists in FinOps inside of ProjOps.
Project Number Definition & Usage
It should be possible to define the Project Number Sequence and have this used throughout the system as well as the project name. We often have many projects with the same name, where we do different work for the same project. Using a number to search for projects and work with them is what most ...
Add Recurring Tasks in WBS
We need support to handle recurring tasks, as can be done in MS Project, Outlook etc. This becomes especially important when we win the work and move to resource scheduling. E.g. I need a Project Manager to spend 1 day per week on a project that lasts 6 months. At present the system will divide ...