Extend parameter "Require the calculated totals to equal the imported totals for workflow submission" to have an invoice tolerance percentage
In current versions we are missing an option to add a tolerance percentage to the "Require the calculated totals to equal the imported totals for workflow submission" parameter. Right now it is a do or die decision.
Needs Votes
Include applied prepayment amount to "Require the calculated totals to equal the imported totals for workflow submission" functionality
Currently an applied prepayment amount is not taken into account, when an imported invoice is submitted to workflow and the "Require the calculated totals to equal the imported totals for workflow submission" parameter is set to yes in accounts payable par...
Extend "Require the calculated totals to equal the imported totals for workflow submission" to include tolerance amount
Currently the parameter "Require the calculated totals to equal the imported totals for workflow submission" is a do or die decision. (accounts payable parameters-> invoice -> invoice workflow) Similar to other parameters like "price and quantity matching" or "charges matching" (accounts paya...