Batch posting in journals with skipping lines with error
Due to the batch posting in journals (general, item, and so on) some lines with errors will block the posting process and the journal stays the way it was, without any postings.
A better solution would be to skip lines which runs into an error and post the "good" ones.
Create new data set for webservices based on the full table field list
For a better reporting connection the function "create data set" should also deliver the option based on the complete table field liest. In many pages some relevant fields (from the perspect of analysis) are missing and can only added by developing a new page or extending the existing page. Th...
automatic dimensionvalue creation
For reporting issues, in and with the data of Business Central, the dimension data model is used to give more detailed possibilities during analytics.
Actually the dimensionvalue must be created before it can be attached to master data or documents/postings. Therefore it would be brillia...
Financial Report (Edit Mode) only 15 Columns
In the Edit Mode of the financial report, only 15 Columns + the two row columns (No and descritpion) are visible. For the export to excel function all other columns are condiered for the export.
Financial Report - Translation of column/row descriptions
For a better reporting collaboration, the description fields od row and columns should have a translation function attached. similar like unit of measures, payment terms
Cashflow - extended Filter for Cashflow Account
Due to sugesstion process the (for example) receivables should be split on seperate cashflow accounts. This could be solved by implementing filter on the cashflow accounts, which will be looked up due to the loading process.
Dimension Set Entry ID in VAT Entry Table
Due to posting with Dimension, the built Dimensionset should be also attached to the VAT entry.
Set up default dimension values for dimension values
often the requirement from customer comes up, that a dimension value itself should get default dimension attached as it is realized on master data level.
Best regards
create an individual dataset for publishing as webservice
For analytical purpose a self defined datamodel, which than could be published as webservice would be helpfull.
Often a table field is missing, or you need a foreign field, from a different table. At the moment it is part of an appextension, to deliver the customer the specified "datamod...