Table Relation. Customer Invoice discount code
For years the table relation from field 33 (Invoice disc. code) in table 18 customer is stablished to table 18 customer. For years we had changed this, stablishing the table relation to table 19 Cust. Invoice Disc. I think this is the correct table relation from this field.
Permissions Role Explorer
In the new Roles management, it is allowed to activate or not visible a role in the new role explorer, but it would be necessary to be able to configure which users, user groups or permission set can access the visible roles and which roles. Not all visible roles need to be visible to all users...
Families in Manufacturing Planning
The extension of manufacturing management to items with variants, add a new scenario where, by example, we could create Families grouping variants of the same item. (For this is necessary add "Variant Code" in "Family Lines").
Currently, Family Type Production Orders can be cr...