Extend Item No. field to 50 characters
We've many customers converting from systems that allow larger item numbers. These other systems use internal ids and large item numbers and its very difficult to convert them over to NAV. We cannot use Business Central (hosted by Microsoft) due to extensive modification to enlarge the item's ...
Expand Item No. (Number) to 50 chars
On the Item table, the No. field is limited to Text 20. Please extend the length of the Item No. to 50. There's several different scenarios where this can be an issue. Regularly customers have longer Item No's and it is a huge project to undertake to change all the item numbers when convertin...
Publisher should show the Sender variable as part of the signature for the procedure
Getting the subscriber procedure parameters correct is required to make eventing work but there is little to guarantee its correctly defined. It would be great if the environment could warn us that the publisher and subscriber params don't match. Moreover providing something in the code to show ...