On the Item table, the No. field is limited to Text 20. Please extend the length of the Item No. to 50.

There's several different scenarios where this can be an issue.

Regularly customers have longer Item No's and it is a huge project to undertake to change all the item numbers when converting to a new system.

When integrating Dynamics BC with other systems, we've encountered issues due to the fact that most others are not limited to such a small Item number.

Several ISV's already go through the product making the 300-500 necessary changes to extend the length. We won't be able to extend the field as a modification in the cloud offering.


Category: Inventory
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering the suggestion at this time due to potential negative impact, for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/developer/analyzers/appsourcecop-as0086
We continue to monitor feedback.

Meanwhile there is a possibility to define longer product IDs via the Item References: https://docs.microsoft.com/dynamics365/business-central/inventory-how-use-item-cross-refs

Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



I understand how this will require MS and ISVs to re-write some extensions to accommodate a larger length, but leaving it as is is causing huge work loads for data migration. The amount of time required to map new codes is an absolute nightmare when including the length of Prod Bom Code. length too as many companies code their BOMs to match the item codes. It is a massive functional risk, mapping of this degree leaves room for serious error. Currently the BC dev community is leaning on the BC functional community to carry this massive oversight.

Category: Inventory


I also endorse this.20 chars is serious limitation. We are considering moving over to BC but this may be a deal breaker as we have nearly 10,000 products and several hundred have long item numbers generated from our online e-commerce site.

Category: Inventory


At this point, Microsoft is treating this issue far too flippantly despite the clear and justified calls for help on this issue by large numbers of End Users and Consultants alike. I cannot understand how they continue to ignore this crucial limitation of the GP platform with what is beginning to read like flat out callousness. Microsoft, please change this field limitation now. Large numbers of customers are represented by these comments here, as only a small percentage of people will take time to write a message, despite masses who feel the same, but take no action to make their voice heard and simply click on, in exasperation.

Category: Inventory


This is still an issue and should be implemented. If this information was shared before I made the purchase I would have not chosen business central.

Category: Inventory


Still Under Review, come on Microsoft, with 157 votes you need to change the status to PLANNED. You have made changes to the system with other requests for considerably lower user votes. We have been waiting long enough, so please give this request top priority.The decision by Microsoft to originally use 20 characters for this field was a huge mistake and indicates you did not do enough research on this topic with your customer base. It needs to be rectified immediately. 50 Characters for this field should be more than enough and will keep your current customers happy and loyal.At the moment, this is a huge issue for us.

Category: Inventory


. Please implement this option. This is a huge issue for us, especially when ordering, as the full part number does not pull forward even using the description. Creates so much work to double check it may as well be manual

Category: Inventory


Really wish Microsoft would reconsider this particular issue. It is a major problem for many of the reasons already expressed by others above.The issue would likely not be present if the Item References could be used in place of Item No. everywhere else in the system where Item No. is used, but this is not the case and likely would be more difficult than changing all Item No. character length throughout the system.I would have expected this to be changed when the Serial/Lot No. was expanded, but unfortunately the job was left half done.Fingers crossed that you reconsider this one soon.

Category: Inventory


Very much needed, this is our major roadblock to upgrade from Dynamics GP to Business Central.

Category: Inventory


I agree with all of you and with Peter Preuss specially. The electronic components business uses lots of letters and it's longer than 20 as the part numbers are reused. Mapping is cumbersome and slows down the sales and purchase order entry.

Category: Inventory


Very important in the manufacturing sector - here at COSS we deal with Aerospace clients, and they all require more then 20 characters.


Category: Inventory

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