Stop deprecation of Legacy Navigation Bar (breadcrumb menu)
The deprecation of the Legacy Navigation Bar is a terrible user experience decision. Being able to view the breadcrumbs at the top of the screen (or at all for that matter) is extremely useful for both business users as well as for IT administrators. For IT administrators like myself, when sen...
Clicking Enter on "Is one of" filter type opens the filter dropdown instead of hitting Apply
In version 10.0.32, when using the "is one of" filter type, after inputting your selection and hitting Enter (on the keyboard), instead of Apply, the filter field dropdown opens. This is bad user experience. Hitting Enter on the keyboard should Apply as it does in previous version of D365 FO
DOM gives preference to shipping orders completely from one location. Give ability to favor location priority and split ship instead
"DOM gives preference to shipping orders completely from one location. Therefore, if a whole order and its lines aren't available from a location that has a priority of 1, DOM will try to fulfill it from a location that has a priority of 2."
In certain cases, the business woul...
Remove trash can button on color groups translation screen
When going into the translations screen for a particular color from the color groups screen (Product Information Management > Setup > Dimensions and variant groups > Color groups), there's a trash can button at the top. Clicking on this button deletes the entire language, and thus deletes
Creating a new customer in Customer Service screen does not open newly created customer record
When creating a new customer from the form Retail and Commerce > Customers > Customer Service, you are returned to the Customer Service screen instead of the newly created Customer record. If you didn't make note of the Customer Account Id in the New Customer popout, it's very difficult to fin...
DOM gives preference to shipping orders completely from one location. Give ability to favor location priority and split ship instead
Submitting a new copy of this request as Boyce Zhu declined the original Idea with a comment that does not address the original suggestion.
"DOM gives preference to shipping orders completely from one location. Therefore, if a whole order and its lines aren't ...