"DOM gives preference to shipping orders completely from one location. Therefore, if a whole order and its lines aren't available from a location that has a priority of 1, DOM will try to fulfill it from a location that has a priority of 2."
In certain cases, the business would prefer that the order split ship between a priority 1 and priority 2 location instead of consolidating the entire order to a priority 2 location but there's no option to configure DOM this way. In our business-case, priority 1 is our DC and priority 2 contain our brick-and-mortar stores.
Take for example an order for 10 items. 9 out of the 10 items are available at a priority 1 DC location. All 10 items are available at a priority 2 store location. DOM will route all 10 items to the priority 2 store location. But we would prefer that the DC location fulfills 9 of the 10 items and the store location fulfills the last item. We'd prefer the store not wipe out that inventory that could have shipped from the DC.
Boyce, your statement does not address the scenario I outlined. What you're describing is whether partial orders are allowed or not. We not only allow partial orders already, in the scenario I outlined, we want to the order to fulfilled by more than one location. The problem is that DOM consolidates the fulfillment to a single lower priority location instead of splitting to multiple locations.
Category: Order processing and fulfillment
This is 100% needed to properly control where orders distribute in terms of inventory levels between Warehouses and Stores, MSFT help!
Category: Order processing and fulfillment
Administrator on 2/16/2024 10:01:53 AM
Marked this idea as "Declined" as the described scenario can be supported today. You can define partial orders rule by specifying the maximum number of fulfillment locations and whether DOM is allowed to split the shipment. Please check out DOM rules - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn to learn more and give it a try. Let us know if you still see functional gaps there and would request further enahncements. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager, Dynamics 365 Commerce