Dev Errrors for CRM Online
Provide a way to enable/disable Dev Errors for CRM Online without having to call in a support incident.
Perhaps from System Settings?
MVP Bug - Deleting a Custom Security Role assigned to a Custom Form breaks publishing
and case [REG:112051847659628] Publishing Customization issues
The scope of the case is to resolve the issue where you are unable to "Publish All" customizat...
Office 365 Groups Managed Solution Won't Uninstall
Office 365 Groups Managed Solution Won't Uninstall. We installed it on our sandbox environment. After removing the Office 365 Groups and re-publishing the managed solution the solution will not uninstall. It just hangs at the uninstalling progress window.
Static Excel Export Missing from some grid views
The export to Excel as a static worksheet (not for re-import) is missing from drop downs from some grid views. Specifically I have discovered that it is missing from the drop down when you open up a grid view from a dashboard view.
CRM App for Outlook Preview
Mobile App User Message Screen shows development language
While download an update to the customizations I received a sign out previous message warning. But as you can see from the attached image the Button labels had not been properly labeled.
Caculated and Rollup Fields min/max values
When creating Calculated or Rollup Fields for decimal and currency fields regardless of what you enter the min/max fields are reset to their ‘outer limits’ when you save, overriding any values you attempted to set for range.
However, when doing the same for the Whole Number field it wil...