General Ledger Allocation Accounts
Ability to create Allocation accounts similar to what Dynamics GP and Dynamics SL have to enter into standard general journals.
Link Purchase Order and Sales Order
Link Purchase Order and Sales Order: Client is trying to link a purchase order to a sales order using Table 39, but the Sales Order fields aren’t being populated. The client is creating a purchase document from the sales order by going to Actions -> Functions -> Create Purchase Document -> Creat...
GP To BC Migration and General Ledger Dimension Amounts
GP Segments come to BC as dimensions. When the GL activity gets posted, it only hits the account and not the account and dimension combinations. Is there a plan to change the may data is migrated with the Migration tool and the Intelligent cloud?
CalcPmtDisc - Access to event for development
We have a need to subscribe to calc pmt discounts for Payables and Receivables. We have customer who need to exclude freight from payment terms discounts. This is the event the developers sent me... CalcPmtDiscPossibleCustom(GenJnlLink, VendLedgEntry, PurchHeader)
Sales Prepayment by dollar amount
Would like to be apply to record a customer prepayment by either percentage or dollar amount.