Enter primary keys in search field to open record directly
To open the customer or item list I often type in the search field to open the desired page. More than once I automatically typed ´for example "Customer 10000" as I know which record I do want to open. It would be great if then that record would indeed open. This could work for all master data ta...
Setup number of copies to print more flexible (e.g.in document sending profile)
Assuming you want to send out printed hardcopies for an invoice and you setup the number of copies to 5 in the Customer. If you print, you get 5 copies. If you now also want for informational purposes email the invoice as well - you will get a PDF with 5 copies. Which makes no sense for PDF. If ...
Add Serv. Contract Account to General Posting Setup
if the Accounts for non-prepaid contract and prepaid contracts would be added to the General Posting Setup, it would be more easy to setup accounts, if a customer has service contracts with non-domestic customers.
Update provided Rapid Start packages
If you use the configuration packages from the DVD (for example Standard) the data provided is only partially useful. For example in the German version the G/L accounts 3970 to 3986 are set to income/profit but those are balance accounts. (Probably this was changed with the categories as they are...