Make the posted vendor invoice look like it did during invoice entry
After the vendor invoice is posted it should retain the look it had during invoice entry. It is difficult to view and understand when it is shown in the invoice journal format. You should be able to always look at it with a header and lines and totals. In fact, the more the vendor invoice screen...
Void an EFT vendor payment the same as a cheque
You should be able to void an EFT vendor payment the same way you can void a cheque. Sometimes when we submit the file to the bank, it says all payments are ok, but when the vendor's bank picks up the payment, the account number may be incorrect and the payment gets returned to our bank. Not b...
Make all workflow buttons dialogue boxes
Right now the only Workflow submit button that is the type Workflow Drop Dialogue is on purchase order and the rest (we use) are Workflow Action Bar Button Group types. With the dialogue type the approver can see the comments left by the submitter, if you have it set up for "last comments". This ...
Remove the ability to select an unrelated PO and attach it to a vendor invoice
We have discovered that you can create a vendor invoice and select a PO from the drop down and not bring any lines in. If you click update match status, it will show as passed even though there are no lines from the PO on the vendor invoice. Once it is posted, if you search vendor transactions...
Automate Employee Mapping to Vendor Record
Each employee should be automatically mapped to their vendor record. You should not have to go to the menu item Employee mapping and per diem rates just to associate an employee with their vendor records. If this is not done, then the expense report fails during posting. We are using auto post, s...
Reset Workflow Status for Approved Free Text Invoice
Right now, our only option is to delete an Approved free text invoice if there is an error on it. There is no way to edit the invoice after it has been approved in workflow and there is an error. We are forced to delete the invoice and re-enter it again.