Let Dynamics E-Mail Designer remember custom color palette
Currently, each time you insert Text blocks, buttons, dividers and so on, you have to define colors over and over again from sratch. Make it possible to have a set of colors that you can easily reuse while designing an e-mail. For example by extending template functionality (e.g. in the same wa...
Extend Email Marketing Insights with Device Usage (Mobile, Desktop, Tablet)
Competitors offer statistics on what device was used to view e-mails (Mobile, Desktop, ...). This data would help us for further optimizing our content.
Custom border color for buttons in E-Mail Designer
Please add the possibility to design border color of button. In addition buttons should "remember" their style. Currently, colors and size have to be specified over and over again See idea https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=5ae6a3d0-7c33-ea11-8454-0003ff689747
Make it easier to search for images when adding image blocks to e-mails
The longer you use Dynamics for marketing, the more images and files you create within the system. With a lot of files it can take a long time to find pictures that you want to insert into an e-mail. Dynamics offers a standard entity search for files (msdyncrm_file) when navigating to Files from...