Create Look up field Swift Code
On several places in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is it possible to fill in the Swift Code of the bank card. It is possible to fill in any code, There is no check on the code. We would like to have this field being changed as look up field. There must by a table with all the possible S...
Add the column
Our customer wants to see in the page of the Service Contracts besided the customer (Sell-to Customer No.), also the Bill-to Customer Name and the Bill-to Customer No. In the view of the service contracts Is it possible to add this in the list as a column
E-mail body tekst service
We have not got the option to add an e-mail body tekst for our service documents, like service invoice. Can this be added into Business Central. We would like to have the same option as on the sales invoices, For the Sales Invoices we have the option in the screen report selection - sales to e...
Expanding item card with Quantity in Jobs
In the next wave, on the item card, the following fields will be added: - Transfer Order Receipt - Shipment Quantities Can the following field also be added? Quantity on Jobs. In this field a number must be shown of alle the quantities of this item on the job planning lines.
Change customer on jobs when only a usage is posted
My customer is using Jobs in Business Central. At the begin of the job, the customer who needs to receive the invoice not directly known. Often the puchase is done for the Jobe before the correct customer is known.
When we receive a purchase order on the job, then a usage is p...