In many business scenarios, the Business Central ERP system is extensively connected to various other systems and services. These connections often include:

  • Integration with CRM Systems: Where data from multiple users is funneled through a single point of integration.
  • Automated Workflows and Processes: That handle data at an organizational level rather than an individual user level.
  • Third-Party Services and APIs: Where the volume of interactions is based on the organizational needs, not individual user actions.

With these types of integrations, the value derived from the ERP system is tied more to the organization’s overall usage rather than the number of individual users. As such, a per-user licensing model does not accurately reflect the usage patterns or provide cost-effective pricing.

New Subscription Options

To address this, we propose extending the pricing and availability to include:

  1. Monthly Price Per Tenant/Month: A flat rate charged monthly per tenant, accommodating extensive system integrations and automated processes.
  2. Annual Price Per Tenant/Year: An annual subscription that offers a discount compared to monthly billing, encouraging long-term commitments and providing cost savings.

Benefits of Per-Tenant Subscription

  1. Simplified Billing: Organizations can manage their subscription with a single monthly or annual fee, reducing the complexity of tracking individual user licenses.
  2. Cost Efficiency: For companies with many system integrations or automated processes, the per-tenant model can be more cost-effective than paying for numerous individual user licenses.
  3. Scalability: Allows businesses to scale their operations and integrations without worrying about increasing user license costs.
  4. Aligned Value Proposition: The per-tenant model aligns the cost with the actual usage and value derived from the system, particularly for integrations and automated workflows.

By implementing these steps, Business Central can better serve businesses that rely heavily on system integrations and automated workflows, providing a more flexible and cost-effective subscription model.

Category: General
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team