Easy to use report of submitted data. Compare with Customer Voice Survey Response which contains question responses in an easy to read format.

This report could also be accessed from the lead / contact insights to which it is related.

At the same time this could also be related to option of not mapping all form fields to lead or contact fields, including option sets. User could just check the submitted data from the report. Adding all fields needed on the forms to for example lead table is unnecessary since they might only be used in a single campaign.
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are going to review this idea for possible implementation. Sincerely, Petr Jantac, Microsoft

Update: You can access form submisions from Contact / Lead insigths since April 2023.



This solution would be very helpful when you use Lead Matching. The newest Form Field Submissions will overwrite the old ones. But all the Form Field Submission data is valuable for Sales. At the moment they can only see all the previous Form Field Submissions in 1 field separated by ; and with Guids and option set codes. This is not readable for a user.

Category: Analytics and Insights