If final posting date used in Invoice Approval in D365 is different than preliminary posting date used in Invoice register, system deletes “purchase invoice” and “Purchase order” from Original document section. Only “Journal” is left in this section resulting in those invoices are not transferred to EU Sales List report. This cause issues with reporting since when the ESL is run for given month a lot of transaction is not transferred properly, despite ESL setups and Master Data setups for selected Vendors is done properly.

Invoice with the same criteria (sales tax group, item sales tax group, item, quantity, price, document date, invoice date, date of VAT register etc.) posted to the same vendor, but where final posting date is the same as preliminary posting date, is transferred correctly in ESL report. Hence, this issue appears only when having two different dates on the invoice register and final posting.

The idea is, it should be possible to post transactions with different dates on invoice register and invoice approval. The transaction should not be excluded from ESL due to different document dated, this since they fulfill all necessary criteria and must be reported.
