At this time, UCI does not provide fetchxml and layoutxml correctly when there is an element mismatch.
However, it works fine in the Web Legacy Client.
Therefore, even in UCI, we request to improve the function so that even if fetchxml and layoutxml do not match, they are displayed correctly.
This is to prevent existing Dynamics 365 users from recreating all of their existing customization assets from scratch.
This is a very useful function because it makes a smooth transition to UCI, so please consider it.
However, it works fine in the Web Legacy Client.
Therefore, even in UCI, we request to improve the function so that even if fetchxml and layoutxml do not match, they are displayed correctly.
This is to prevent existing Dynamics 365 users from recreating all of their existing customization assets from scratch.
This is a very useful function because it makes a smooth transition to UCI, so please consider it.
Needs Votes
On UCI, we request implementation of a function to compensate for the mismatch between fetchxml and layoutxml.
The reason is as follows.
Due to the lack of this feature on UCI, if thre is the mismatch in the solution , users must manually fix solutions for many views one by one.
And if yuser have hundreds of views with mismatch, manual correction is impractical.
Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance
Paramita Chatterjee (administrator) on 9/9/2020 11:09:43 AM
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Paramita Chatterjee
PM, Microsoft.