Dynamics 365 Project operation integration with dynamics 365 business central. Nowadays dynamics 365 business central is also in high demand along with Project Operation.
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I would like to add an element to the conversation. We deploy the project module to our BC customers but very often they need a more operational solution to manage project daily. Sometimes the requirement is very light and “Project for the Web” or “Planner Premium” is enough and they don’t need PO. We are building an interface between BC and Dataverse (P4W and planner) however the only way for us to send project tasks within the Dataverse is to have a costly Project Operations license. I think integrating project management tools with Business Central out of the box is critical for a growing numbers of costumers (and appsource options are often lackluster), it needs to be addressed by Microsoft.

Category: Dual write integration of Project Operations data

As a small consulting startup, D365PO is perfect for our sales and complex project management thanks to the MS Projects integrations. We are loving the integration with MS Projects until we starting to looking at Business Central and found out our projects would not sync without a messy integration which was the huge selling point of PO. It does everything with minimal setup compared to salesforce. However business central fits our accounting needs better than the Dynamics Finance. We have no IT so having to do extra integrations cost us money but double entering projects also cost us time and money. D365 Business Central using MS Projects instead of Jobs or syncing with jobs would be a huge selling point. Not sure how MS didn't make this a priority from day one. Not sure if we will continue to use D365 if we are forced to use something as complex as the Finance as we DON'T want to take a best of bread approach.

Category: Dual write integration of Project Operations data

Why MS has not considered this till now!? It brings a good selling point.

Category: Dual write integration of Project Operations data

Hi all,This should be highly considered!The OOTB integration right now only covers accounts, contacts, unit groups, and other simpler tables.It could be a HUGE selling point if we can offer a Fast-Track deployment type for BC (just like we have with F&O), where the Project Invoices in PO would auto-link to Jobs (or something else) in Business Central.BC is the perfect candidate to have customers stay in the 'platform' and leverage the full experience that MS can provide, and cater to Small, Mid-Size, and Large Orgs in the process (most companies in the world are Small and Medium-sized).

Category: Dual write integration of Project Operations data

Agreed. My company would be very interested if this was available.

Category: Dual write integration of Project Operations data

This is a must option, I really recommend MS to just integrate all together.

Category: Dual write integration of Project Operations data