In the functionality of Find prices (Sales and marketing > Prices and discounts > Find prices), the system does not automatically display the correct currency. The prices are updated correctly. However, the currency is not update and a manual refresh of the page is required to show the correct currency.

In a first step, if an item number is entered without a Customer account, the system shows a price, but no currency. Only after refreshing the page, the system shows the system currency.

Entering a customer account, the correct price for this item-customer-combination is shown. However, the system currency is still shown. Only after a refresh, the system shows the correct currency of the customer account.

This behavior is inconsistent to the actual behavior of the correct price that is shown. It is confusing for the user as it is not known why some of the fields are updated immediately and for some other fields a manual refresh is required.

Already opened a MS case on this bug, but as there seem to be other issues with this Find prices view, I was told to create an idea.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

We appreciate you taking the time to create this input. While we do not have any plans at present to provide the capability requested, we will continue to monitor how much in demand such a capability is.