Enrich Source Document Filter Card - Outbound with custom filters.
For example to get sales order, add a new field and necessary events to add custom filter on sales order ship-to code filter to allow customer to define specific rules to extract only sales order for 1 customer and 1 specific ship-to.
In previous version (eq. before BC 23), a specific event subscriber was possible:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Database::"Warehouse Source Filter", 'OnBeforeSetTableView', '', false, false)]
local procedure WhseSourceFilterOnBeforeSetTableView(var WarehouseSourceFilter: Record "Warehouse Source Filter"; var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")
EXESCUEOSPackListMgt.SetFiltersToGetSourceDocsOutbound(WarehouseSourceFilter, SalesHeader);
this event is no more possible, as MS update this process and replace current feature with a specific codeunit (eq.codeunit 5991 "Sales Warehouse Mgt.") ; in this codeunit there is no way to apply the same customization as in previous version.
Ship-to filter when adding massively lines to warehouse shipment is especially important to optimize pick execution in warehouse, shipment documentation preparation (packing list, ...) and reduce risk of errors during delivery to customers.
Category: Warehousing
Voted, indeed it's mandatory.
Category: Warehousing