In Remote Assist Calls we find the additional video feeds and markers distracting and unhelpful for some of our calls. It actively blocks part of the view from the HoloLens user as well, especially when there are multiple users on a call. The entire bottom row of the other participants, with their video feeds and icons blocks part of the video from the HoloLens and is also very distracting.
We would like an option to either move these video feeds to the top of the teams view or have the option to have no icons at all?
We have noticed that on the Teams Client for Mac the video feeds are shown on top during a remote assist call, and none of the HoloLens user's view is cut off by the video feeds or icons of other users. This is exactly what we want! But, Remote Assist does not support Annotations on the Mac Teams Client....
We would like an option to either move these video feeds to the top of the teams view or have the option to have no icons at all?
We have noticed that on the Teams Client for Mac the video feeds are shown on top during a remote assist call, and none of the HoloLens user's view is cut off by the video feeds or icons of other users. This is exactly what we want! But, Remote Assist does not support Annotations on the Mac Teams Client....
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