We are using the access team to provide a better UX for user to share the records. We found some issues on the UX, in particular regarding the user privilege:
1. A user does not have the privilege to add a new team member. Plus button (to add new) is visible on the subgrid. User expectation: they can add someone in, but not the case, it will show the error message that he/she does not have the privilege. Feedback: don't even show the button when the user does not have the privilege.
2. A user does not have the privilege to remove any existing team member. Delete button is visible on the record. User expectation: they can remove the user from the team. But it is not the case, when the user click the delete button, it throws an error without descriptive message. Feedback: don't show the delete button when the user does not have the privilege. And please provide more descriptive/helpful error message.

Attached are the screenshots.
