Please bring the Export report up to parity with the page, and allow the use of Accounting Periods as date ranges there, not just fixed-length periods. In the meantime we will have to substitute a copied/pasted/modified report in our extension, but really we shouldn't have to do that.
I have also filed an AlAppExtension request that will go some way towards helping this, although it's not yet clear to me whether it will suffice, at least not before the new report extension functionality finally lands.
Besides, this seems a very reasonable thing for a customer to expect, and an unreasonable one for the Export report not to provide... so it would be far nicer if you could fix it in the base app, rather than us devs having to.
I also vote for this. Especially our retail clients that use a 4-5-4 periods for accounting periods. Its not anywhere in line with the standard calendar month.This will help them tremendously
Category: Financial Management
This worked in NAV in the sense that although I don't think said Report had this functionality, it was in NAV possible to press Ctrl+E and get the standard Excel export of the entire page, and that included the main budget matrix with Acc Pd dates as on the page. But in BC, there is no standard way to export to Excel; it seems we must code every one... Thus it is a clear regression from NAV to BC in the eyes of this client and indeed ourselves.
Category: Financial Management